Thursday, August 7, 2008

We thought we had answers......

Boy, were we wrong!

Sorry that I have been MIA. You can find the whole story here:

Or here is the abbreivated version: Kyleigh has something more than just food allergies going on. They sent us to the hospital for testing. We were there 7 hours.....7 LONG hours. They did an upper GI and sweat test. Both came back normal.

We are now set to see a pediatric GI doctor so they can try to figure out what is wrong with Kyleigh. Jamie and I are very nervous. We just want our sweet girl better!

Please pray for her and for us as we wait for the appointment.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

We have answers.....

We have some answers, a few pieces to the puzzle.

The pediatric allergist test Kyleigh for 10 things. Out of those 10, she had reactions to 3. They were: milk, tree nuts and brewers yeast.

We had an A HA moment while we were there. MILK!!! Anytime that I have supplemented with formula, Kyleigh's ecezma and reflux got worse. She was also a lot fussier. Well, no wonder! She is allergic to it!

Long story short, Kyleigh now has a new doctor that we will see on a regular basis. They will have to test her from time to time. And as the doctor put it, we are not out of the woods with her.

New foods will come slowly. We have to be diligent about this. Now that we have answers, we can move forward and do what we need to do. :)

Here are a few pictures from that day......

Please pray for Kyleigh and for me as we adjust to our new challenge. :)


Leah and Kyeigh

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Answers coming....

Saturday morning when Kyleigh woke up she had a rash on her arms and a little on her legs. I am guessing that it was from the allergen (whatever it is) that she had on Friday. I have done some research on the whole food allergy thing and it is quite scary!

I talked with Kyleigh's doctor and was not satisfied with the answers that I got. They said to go ahead and resume feeding solids. Even the ones that she had a reaction to. Excuse me?!?!? I need answers thank you very much!

We have answers coming! I have talked with a friend who is a pediatrician. She advised me, as a friend ;) not as as doctor, to go ahead and call a pediatric allergist. I called today and explained our situation. Kyleigh is being seen by one of the best pediatric allergist in the city THIS Friday. Wooooo hoooo!!!! The nurse did say plan on being there about 3 hours. They will probably go ahead with the skin test.

I am so nervous yet so grateful that we are getting somewhere.

Saturday, July 12, 2008


Well, this just stinks.

I fed Kyleigh solids again today and she vomited about an hour later. Long story short, the doctor thinks that it is a food allergy. We have taken her off of all solids until we can figure this all out. Man this just stinks! Poor baby. I have to call the doctor on Monday and see where we go from here.
Please just remember her in your prayers. Thanks.

Thursday, July 10, 2008


Miss Kyleigh is much better. :) Yay!!! It is so hard to see your little one sick. She gave me quite a scare.
On Monday, she woke from her nap and started vomiting. She was, well let's just put it this way, violently ill. :(((( After the 2nd time, she was vomiting bile. I called the doctor and had Jamie come home from work. We took her into the pediatrician. They did blood work. Everything came back good with the labs. The exam was good too. We were told just to watch her and if she started again, I was to call and take her in to the ER. She never vomited any more. Never ran a fever or nothing. It was like it never happened. So we are not quite sure what happened or why.

On a lighter note, Caleb hit homerun number 5 on Wednesday! He was uncontrolable! LOL This is number 5 in a row for him. We were all laughing. He is loving softball this year. I am so glad that he decided to play again. Where oh where has the time gone???? Wasn't it just yesterday that he was sitting in his stroller??? Now he is 13 years old, 6 foot tall and has girls after him! Oh wow........

9 months old

Now, 13 years old

My littlest girl a few weeks ago......

She kind of looks like her big brother! She is crazy about her Bubby. And her big brother is sure crazy about her. It is a very, very sweet bond that they have. Caleb calls her his peanut. I am going to love watching this relationship grow and blossom.

Hug them tight, before you know it they are grown!


Monday, July 7, 2008

Fly by post....

Just a quick fly by post......Kyleigh has been sick today. She started vomiting about 2 PM today. :((( My poor sweet girl is pitiful.

Here is a quick picture for everyone......

Sunday, July 6, 2008

A, B, C ~ Just for fun!

A is for age

B is for burger of choice
Any burger from Logan's Steakhouse

C is for what car you drive
Ford Windstar

D is for Dog's name
Bailey, a black lab

E is for essential item you use every day
My computer :)

F is for favorite tv show at the moment
Hmmm.....Deadliest Catch

G is for Favorite game

H is for Hometown
Louisville, KY

I is for instruments you play
Don't play any instruments

J is for favorite juice
Grape ~ yummo!

K is for who you'd like to kiss
Baby Kyleigh

L is for last restaurant you ate at
Taco Bell

M is for your favorite Muppet

N is for number of piercings
2, ears

O is for overnight hospital stays
6, all for the births of my kiddos

P is for people you were with today
I was with my immediate family, hubby and kids and I was also with my Dad.

Q is for what you do with your quiet time
Read, blog, try to catch my breath.

R is for biggest regret
Not spending more time with my Mom before she died.

S is for status
Married for 13.5 years!

T is for time you woke up today
8 AM

U is for what you consider unique
For us, it is our large family. Hee heee.

V is for vegetable you love
Potatoes, any way!

W is for worst habit
Biting my nails

X is for number of x-rays you've had
Tons! I just had one 2 weeks ago from where I fell down the steps with Kyleigh. She laughed all the way. I cried! LOL

Y is for yummy food you ate today
Tacos! Yummy!

Z is for zodiac sign

Be Still

Be Still and Know That I Am God

My child, what I mean is:
Though the earth be removed,
Though the waters thereof roar and be troubled,
Though the mountains shake with swelling,
Though the wind blow,
Though the storm rage;
Though your bills are due,
Though they give you a hard time on your job,
Though your husband won't act right,
Though your wife won't act right,
Though your children are disobedient,
Though there's sickness in your body,
Though your enemies get on your nerves;
Stop your WORRIES!
Stop your DOUBTING!
Stop your FROWNING!
Cease your fears, and dry up those tears!
For I'm right there to comfort you,
I'm right there to guide you,
I'm right there to hold you up,
I'm right there to heal you,
I'm right there to deliver you.
So cast your cares upon me for I careth for you.
My child this is what I mean by being still and knowing

~Author Unknown~

We went and spent the day with my Daddy today. I left feeling so down. We were able to get a lot done for him. I trimmed all of the rose bushes and sprayed them for bugs and disease. Jamie got the gutter fixed that the storm damaged. We pulled some weeds and took down a bush that needed to go. We came in and visited for awhile and I washed his dishes for him.

I feel so bad when I leave him. Lord, please bless my Dad tonight. Give him peace and let him rest.


PS I will explain this post later. I am so tired tonight. I just need to rest. :(

Saturday, July 5, 2008

A sorta fix......

I think that I have figured out where everything went wrong....I was playing around yesterday with some new templates. I think that some of the changes messed up the header picture. So, I have set the picture off to the side until I can really fix it. :P

Friday, July 4, 2008


I am having issues with Blogger right now. GRRRRR......... My header photo keeps disappearing. to pout now.